Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

One Door Closed, Several Doors Open

Hi, I have no idea how this post is going to be. I'm just gonna think and write as I go while still have dozens of raw ideas in my head.

Let go, Ikhlas, atau apapun istilah yang bisa kamu pakai untuk kondisi ini. When something for sure doesn't go well as we predict, and its already happened, sometimes letting go is the best options for us. Of course, it'll come after we do our best in making things right.

We have to let go in a lot of conditions during our life. From tiny little things such as letting go of our favorites clothes or bags because it were already broken, ikhlas karena kita tertinggal kereta maupun busway, rela untuk melepaskan universitas tujuan karena gagal masuk ujian, and also letting go of people that once in our life who may includes family and friends. 

"Let go is hard and nearly impossible for me to get over that easily" Someone may, or may not relate with me in this case. But in order to move forward, we still need to close the door in the past and walk away until we find another, more better, more challenging, and might be the best path for us to walk in through their door. 

In these past few years, I need to let go quite a lot. Take my career path as one of the example. Since graduation, I vaguely want several choices as my career path, but soon it landed on HR. Hence, I applied on dozens of job applications and job posting but results were not really what I expected to be. Fast forward, I accepted on a job that not really align with my objective. Realize, I had to do the best in this role because I still on self exploratory phase, finding out my true nature and passion. Several things happened, god really know what's the best for me. And I really thank him for that because I got this current role which still involve an HR responsibility. 

Other cases, we need several big rock to hit our sense of mind in order for us to realise its time to let go. Before that, we still live in some abstract fantasy and dream that most likely would not happened, like a mouse that trapped in a hole, or like someone that always dig their grave on the same spot. 

Its hard at first but in order to let go we need to see the things as they are, and accept reality. From there we can build our wall from the past little by little. Focus on ourselves, our happiness, and our surrounding. 

Once I consoled with several people, but one certain advice that really hit my sense and I treasure until now was "Sometimes, something that we want, it is not something that we need" Those phrase really applicable in all sort of conditions and circumstances. 

Sense of relief, happy will occurs after passing those hard stages. We will realize our real value and worth, experience gave us an insight and it told to focus on improving our selves as well as our quality of life. From there, a lot of opportunities certainly will come through our path because god knows what is our real necessity in life.

There may be once when we look back on that, not to go back, but just to enjoy and see things as the way they were.

Well I write this only to share my views on certain topic. No hard feeling because I understand everyone stand with different opinions 😄

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